WNC Alliance’s & French Broad Riverkeeper’s 2014 French Broad Paddle-A-Thon

The Western NC Alliance and French Broad Riverkeeper will be hosting two separate trips down different sections of the French Broad River this year to raise awareness of the issues and considerations affecting our rivers and ecosystems, as well as funds for education and conservation.  The first trip is coming up quickly in May and will go from the headwaters south of Asheville back into town.  You can find out more about the trip, including signing up for a spot in the next trip later this year, and WNCA’s and French Broad Riverkeepers efforts here: http://wnca.org/paddle/french-broad-float-trips/.

In addition to my other traditional practice areas, I particularly focus on environmental, water, energy, construction, property, and outdoor recreation law, regulations, and other related legal and business issues.  I believe in sustainable and responsible use and development, for all interests and activities, along with compensatory conservation, so that future generations may have the same opportunities.

In support of my beliefs and practice, I am proud to announce that I will be volunteering on the WNC Alliance’s and French Broad Riverkeeper’s Save the French Broad Paddle-a-thon this May 17-21.  If anyone would like to make a donation to the trip and wonderful causes it supports and generates awareness for, please do so here: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/FMerithewLaw/save-the-french-broad-float-2014.  Donating through this website is simple, fast and secure.  It is also the most efficient way to support the fundraising efforts.

Many thanks for your support — and please feel free to forward this information to anyone else who you think might want to donate!

Sport & Gear

