Representing Recreation, Sport, Gear, and Lifestyle Businesses, Brands and Manufacturers Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyrights, Domains, Products, and E-commerce Services and Infringement Handling Supporting Social Impact and Passion Businesses and Entrepreneurs Conatus Counsel

Recreation, Sport, Gear & Lifestyle

  • Product Liability
  • Personal Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • Intellectual Property
  • Business Consulting and Risk Management

Business Law

  • General Counsel Services
  • Entity Formation and Organization
  • Fundraising and Investment
  • Liability Analysis and Risk Management
  • Contracts and Waivers
  • Regulatory Issues

Intellectual Property

  • Trademarks
  • Copyrights
  • Domain Name Acquisition
  • Licensing
  • Online and E-Commerce Infringement Handling, Reporting and Enforcement

Civil Litigation

  • Recreation and Product Defense
  • Contract Enforcement
  • Personal Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • IP Enforcement and Protection
  • Collections

Conatus – a natural tendency, impulse, or striving inclination of a thing to exist and enhance itself.  I believe that passion and social impact businesses, wherein the creator(s) and owner(s) are pursuing personal, commercial, and/or social goals and growth, have such natural tendencies and opportunities to not only exist, but sustain and flourish. Conatus Counsel is here to assist those objectives by providing strategic comprehensive general counsel, business law and commercial consulting services. Conatus Counsel strives to go above and beyond traditional law firm structure and “legal services” by taking into account each Client’s desired goals and needed resource allocation, through “fractional general counsel” services, consulting, and implementation.  Conatus Counsel is not just a law firm, but provides real world business and commercial consulting and strategies above and beyond legal. Conatus Counsel’s principal, Forrest Merithew, aims to provide competent, fair, and honest services for clients through long-term relationships that foster growth, success, and protection for all involved. Forrest’s diversity of experiences and interests provides Conatus Counsel with highly developed legal abilities and creative problem solving skills for the modern business world. Forrest is licensed in Colorado, North Carolina, and California, but works with people and brands throughout the world.

“We enjoy working with businesses and entrepreneurs who have a passion for what they do.”

Conatus Counsel welcomes the opportunity to consult and work with entrepreneurs, individuals, businesses, and non-profits regarding entity selection and formation; fundraising and investment; contracts and related commercial documentation; business development and strategies; product development, including important instructions and warnings; product or premises liability; intellectual property, including branding and marketing considerations; operations and risk management; and other related strategies and commercial matters that have legal ties and/or implications. Conatus Counsel will work with you to discover and develop a successful solution to your legal situation, also taking into account larger short-term and long-term goals in developing and implementing such strategies.  My work includes “fractional general counsel services” and other fee and payment flexibility to assist clients with getting the services they need at costs they can manage.  Learn more about Forrest Merithew on his profile.

Your Business General Counsel

Contact Us Today

Outdoor Industry, Recreation, and Gear

Food and Beverage

Breweries and Alcohol

Passion Based Endeavors and Entrepreneurs


forrest-whitebkg2Why Me?

I provide legal services and consulting to businesses and companies across the country and around the world.  My full service practice is focused on providing comprehensive cost-effective services for the real world, with an emphasis on working with brands, businesses and entrepreneurs who have a passion for what they do.  I work with individuals and businesses on a needs and goals basis to minimize the risk of costly problems and conflicts in the future.  When conflicts do arise, I provide direct and creative problem-solving services as well.